Monday, February 2, 2015

Lady Gaga Flying by Robert Wilson

Lady Gaga - Robert Wilson Installation at the Louvre: Flying Portrait

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Lagy Gaga - suspension

Stills from Robert Wilson's portraits of Lady Gaga have appeared online. The video is currently on display at the Louvre museum in Paris as part of Wilson's 'Living Rooms' installation.

Robert Wilson, Video Portraits of Lady Gaga, Flying, (Making off) (2013)

Lady Gaga is hanging upside down naked while a rope cuts into her skin, bending her left leg, pinning her arms behind her back and deforming her breasts. This video, by the experimental artist/director - and former Wallpaper* guest editor - Robert Wilson, shows the pop star's painful-looking initiation into the art of Japanese rope bondage. And it serves as the 'making of' for a performance-art video called Flying. The video, along with Wilson's newvideo portraits of Gaga, is currently on show at Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac in Paris, run by Wallpaper* Design Awards 2014 judge Thaddaeus Ropac.